BitsNGo Strengths

Only pay for what you use, low flat rates

No commitment, free trial, easy setup & management, instant activation, unlimited zones, simplest & transparent pricing ever

Premium global infrastructure, guaranteed speed and security, quality delivery of digital content

How does BitsNGo Compare to other CDNs

Customer's Testimonials

Get a sense of how it is to work with us expressed by our long lasting premium customers. Meet the real people behind the brands that put their business in our hands and trust us.
  • Gladly, we are served by a top professional team, dealing successfully with our CDN challenges while serving 100 million gamers everyday!
    Yair Pines, VP Information Technology at Plarium
  • We are extremely satisfied by BitsNGo Customer Support and the quality of service. Every request is handled fast and to our satisfaction. We are amazed by the reliability of the service and the efficiency of the cloud storage, where we use to store a huge library with millions of files.
    Gal Weiss, CTO at Real
  • We have found that BitsNGo performance and reliability are second to none. Since we are working with BitNGo we see great improvements in all of our KPIs
    Rajiv Nigam, Rtmatic, a Private Label Ad Exchange
Ad-Tech & Networks

Ad-Tech & Networks

Boost your clients’ rich media campaigns. Manage unlimited accounts from one place

Media & SAAS

Media & SAAS

Whether you are a content or video publisher, distribute your content or videos to any viewer around the world faster than anyone else

Games & Mobile

Games & Mobile

When it comes to your games and apps, user experience, loading speed and responsiveness is everything

Enjoy OurTop CDN Offering

With BitsNGo you can enjoy the same advanced global CDN service quality that until recently was exclusively available to large companies and Enterprises

Video Delivery

Video Delivery

Let your audience experience the best HD videos on any device

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Easily distribute all of your files on our entire worldwide network with super simple integration

Reporting & Analytics

Reporting & Analytics

Our new, unique reporting system lets you review statistics and manage your billing for multiple projects at any time

Super Fast Delivery

Super Fast Delivery

Distribute content to your end users at lightning speed

Software Distribution

Software Distribution

Ultra-fast delivery of your software updates and applications

Global Network

Global Network

Your content is instantly and globally accessible over a dedicated network

Starting Immediately

Starting Immediately

Cloud-based access means fast deployment and configuration

24/7 Technical Support

24/7 Technical Support

Live chat and e-mail support around the clock

Scalable & Robust

Scalable & Robust

Our massive network handles peak loads and flash crowds


With our simple pricing plan, you only pay for what you actually use. 100% Transparent & No Commitments!



2TB/30 days
No credit card required